Welcome to Mandy James

Psychotherapist & Life Coach

The longest most difficult journey starts with a small step.
However, by searching this site - you have taken that first step.

Take the next step and contact me.


Try to fix you. Give you advice. Tell you what to do. Pretend I know more about you than you do. Assume what is best for you. Have all the answers. Make the hard stuff go away.


Remind you that you aren't broken. Give you room to access your own wisdom. Support you infiguring out what to do. Recognise that you are the expert in your own life. Remember that only you know what is best for you. Honor that I don't know it all. Collaborate with you on how to make the hard stuff easier to sit with.

About Me

My name is Mandy James. I have many years of experience in providing Psychotherapy Support and Life Coaching and I offer a wide range of caring, confidential and professional therapies, all of which are implemented with a non-judgemental approach.
I am passionate about my work. I believe that mental health issues can be debilitating and destructive. In many ways mental health issues are more serious than physical illness.
My own experience in life has forged me into the person I am today and guided me into this career. I know what it is to face challenges and tough choices.
If you come to me it will be in the knowledge that whatever is said, I will not judge. In addition, when you come to talk to me, you will be safe from fear, in a non judgemental relaxing haven that I will provide.
If you are struggling to overcome painful problems or you simply want to develop your potential and live a fuller life, it can be helpful to have a caring, knowledgeable and skilful person to talk to.
I will make sure you feel seen, heard and appreciated as a unique individual, in all of your richness and complexity. While I will help you understand the nature and origins of your problems as well as guiding you to discover and use all of your strengths and talents to make the changes to your life you may want or need.

Training, qualifications & experience
BA (Hons) in Counselling Studies.
Certificate in Person-Centred Counselling.
EFT Level 1 Certificate. AAMET Approved.
EFT Level 2 Practitioner Certificate. AAMET Approved.
Certificate in Attachment Theory.
Drug and Alcohol Training.
25 years experience in Child/Adolescent Behaviour.
Extensive Child Protection Training.
Counselling the Terminally ill and working with their carers.
Member of the BACP.


Psychotherapy and Life Coaching do have some things in common, but they are different in their emphasis and the methods they use.
If we work together in psychotherapy, I will help you understand and resolve difficult issues that are getting in the way of feeling good and functioning in your daily life.
If you don't have any major issues that are causing significant distress, but you want more joy and satisfaction in your life, then life coaching would be our approach.


Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)
combines cognitive and behavioural therapies. The approach focuses on thoughts, emotions, physical feelings, actions and teaches clients how each one can have an effect on the other. CBT is useful for dealing with a number of issues including depression, anxiety and phobias.
Psychoanalytical and Psychodynamic Therapies
are based on an individual’s unconscious thoughts and perceptions that have developed throughout their childhood and how these affect their current behaviour and thoughts.
Humanistic Therapies
focus on self-development, growth and responsibilities. They seek to help individuals recognise their strengths, creativity and choice in the 'here and now'.
Person-Centred Counselling
focuses on an individual’s self-worth and values. Being valued as a person without being judged can help an individual to accept who they are and reconnect with themselves.
Transactional Analysis
is based on the theory that we each have three ego states: Parent, Adult and Child. By recognising ego-states, Transactional Analysis attempts to identify how individuals communicate and how this can be changed.
Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)
is a new discovery based on Ancient Chinese Medicine also known as Emotional Acupressure.
Life Coaching
aims to help and empower others to make, meet and exceed personal and professional goals including excelling in the workplace, becoming happy and fulfilled in the home, exploring the self and the world as well as achieving ambitions.


Affairs and betrayals
Anger management
Anorexia nervosa
Asperger's syndrome
Binge-eating disorder
Bipolar disorder/Manic depression
Body dysmorphic disorder
Borderline personality disorder
Bulimia nervosa
Carer support
Child related issues
Chronic fatigue syndrome/ME
Dependent personality disorder
Domestic violence
Drug abuse
Eating disorders
Emotional abuse
Family issues
Gender dysphoria
Generalised anxiety disorder
Internet addiction
Learning difficulties
Low self-confidence
Low self-esteem
Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
Obsessive-compulsive - personality disorder
Panic disorder
Paranoid personality disorder
Passive aggressive behaviour
Personality disorders
Physical abuse
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
Postnatal depression
Pregnancy and birth
Relationship issues
Separation and divorce
Sex problems
Sexual abuse
Suicidal thoughts
Tourette's syndrome
Work-related stress


Q.What payment methods do you accept?
A.Bank transfer only.

Q.Do you require payment before the session?
A.Yes, Payment is required before each session.

Q.Is there a cancellation fee?
A.After 24 hours from initial booking, yes. If cancellation is less than 24 hours before your booked appointment, it is then half the fee.

Q.What should I expect from the first session while we are still in lockdown?
A.Session will go ahead as normal except via video link.

Q.How do I make an appointment?
A.Appointments are made via telephone call or email.

Q.How long do sessions last?
A.A standard session lasts 1 hour.

Q.Can I book for longer than an hour?
A.Yes, longer sessions are available. Please ask when making initial appointment.

Q.What video sessions options do you accept?
A. Skype and facetime are available. Zoom will be available shortly. Connection details will be given when appointment made.


Mandy James

4 Westlands House,
Westlands Avenue,
North East Lincolnshire,
DN34 4ST.


01472 471036
07538 295503

Price per session is £50 per hour.
24 hours notice required for appointment cancellation.